DISCLAIMER: The views here are a codification of how we’re thinking about various investments and the interesting aspects of the potential loss or gain that can take place. These are highly risky. At anytime we maybe invested in the securities talked about which should never be considered investment advice. Consult your financial advisor or who ever you work with on your own personal investment decisions.

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If you're looking for a newsletter that covers the generalist investing space, we're your go-to. We're not the conventional idealistic investment professional with a hedge fund career; we're not purer than snow.

We are The Genius's Stock Market Newsletter.

We've read widely for some years about the granularities of investing and trading, and we've yet to step out fully into a more cruel applied pragmatic world. It's time we do! From Warren Buffett to Joel Greenblatt and Bruce Greenwald to Maurice Schiller, I draw fragmented insights and aim to organize it here as a personal journal and take you on a shared experience for those in search of a prudent start. For the experienced this would be a place of repeated reading to revisit as Buffett does Graham’s earliest renditions of Security Analysis to draw new insights on what might have been missed or forgotten.

We're looking for the experienced and investors who want to learn more about how they can make improvements, and we're looking for people with a love of learning who will help us grow.


We are looking to you (our audience) to help us with that goal—and I know there are many great experienced content sources out there! We're searching for optionality among value trades where the highest annualized compound returns be made against quantified risk and mitigated uncertainty.

My strategy is a search for optionality within value trades going to where the highest annualized compound returns can be made against quantified risk and mitigated uncertainty. A strategy more about risk consciousness versus on/off risk aversion yet identifying & calculating with approximation what an opportunity is not. Management of a portfolio of this kind would reveal capital allocation as a key import as is any individual buy/sell decision of a given opportunity, though in certain circumstances it will prove a far more important practice. Overall this will be an attempt to remain agnostic and indifferent where each opportunity set lies. There may or may not be a commitment towards an investment but each will be weighted against other opportunity costs that would dictate the decision making.

Greatest assets: research & assiduity

Value & Wait is the better explanation of this style to spin off from the proverbial buy-and-hold concept normally associated to value investing. I identify price relative to assessed value as the quantified measure of a risk that is known as margin of safety explained by the late great Benjamin Graham and David Dodd. But to take margin of safety one step further in regards to mitigating uncertainty, I find it ideal to find what an opportunity’s assessed value should NOT be as a standard which solidifies the safety of that margin. This gives the investor/trader the room to hold an air of arrogant self-confidence brazen enough to assume he knows more than the person on the other side of a trade who offers up the opportunity assumed advantaged price. This research allows for the humility to know more of what is not known while also realizing you will never know everything.

Our goal is to create something that is not only useful and informative, but that helps you grow as an investor. We want to provide you with the tools you need to succeed—and we want to do it together.

The Genius’s Stock Market Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. If you're looking for an investment newsletter with a focus on value trading, I highly recommend subscribing to receive the free or paid subscriptions. At the very least you will get every month, 1 actionable trade plan for $SPY options, as well as ad-hoc investment insights and musings. And that part is free in hopes it generates the ability for you to go paid;)!

It’s tough to make your money work for you.

It’s tough to find a good investment newsletter.

The Genius’s Stock Market Newsletter is a curated newsletter that offers a range in an easy way to find actionable ideas and market insights. There is a free version and a paid version of TGSM Newsletter. Both contain lots of words, though perhaps some of the better words are in the paid version. Ain’t that America. I’d be appreciative if you signed up and doubly appreciative [if] you bought a paid subscription and helped me put two sons through college.

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My value trader investment journal is designed to help you learn how to find value in the market and turn your hard earned dollars into a great return. Check out the blog and figure out how to make your own success!


Value trader opposed to buy-and-hold. An unconventional start Consult your financial advisor. Do your own due diligence.